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REMITTABLE parameter == REMITTABLE=ProtoList -- default: REMITTABLE="*" for generalist -- default: REMITTABLE="." for specialist
If a protocol name is followed by "/portNumList", only ports listed in the PortList is permitted. A PortList can be followed by "/methodList" which restricts available methods in the protocol. A pseudo method "readonly" is used to prohibit methods for modification. For example, REMITTABLE="ftp//readonly" make a FTP-DeleGate be "read only" which inhibits uploading to FTP servers.
Protocol Specific Default:
If the first member of a list is "+", it means the default list of
permitted protocols. For example, REMITTABLE="+,-https/80,-wais,file"
with SERVER=http means REMITTABLE="http,https/443,gopher,ftp,file".
Note that "https" implies that non-HTTPS protocol on the SSLtunnel may
be detected and rejected.
If arbitrary protocol is to be relayed on the SSLtunnel,
specify "ssltunnel" instead of "https" like REMITTABLE="+,ssltunnel".