specify the detailness of logging of TLS setup and relay.
"-vd" make logging detailed whereas "-vs" suppresses any logging.
enable or disable the session caches.
By default, both session caches for accept and connect are enabled.
"no" disables both of these caches. "acc" enables only the cache
for clients. "con" enables only the cache for servers.
enable or disable the context cache for certificates of this DeleGate.
enable sending the shutdown alert (close notify) to the peer
before disconnection.
It is enabled by default for FTP (TLSCONF="shutdown" is preset for
SERVER="ftp" or SERVER="ftps").
specify the dynamic libraries for SSL in the order to be loaded instead
of the default ones, as TLSCONF="libs:crypto+ssl" for example.
A libname can be with a version number like "libssl.so.0.9.8" or
in a full-path name like "/usr/local/lib/libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib".