To make configuration of DeleGate be flexible,
allowing it not only to the administrator of the DeleGate
but also to the users (providers of WWW resources on an origin HTTP-DeleGate),
DeleGate supports reading user defined configuration parameters
at each request processing time.
Such parameters should be given in a files with file name extension ".dgp",
in the format of "+=parameters" file,
on MOUNTed local file systems.
It works like -Fcgi
but more efficiently without creating a new process.
MOUNTing news serverN at http://delegate/news/servN/
(1) by a parameter at the start-up time MOUNT="/news/servN/* nntp://nntpserverN/*"
(2) by a CGI-DeleGate MOUNT="/news/* cgi:/dirPath/*"
[the contents of file:/dirPath/servN/welcome.cgi]
delegated -Fcgi MOUNT="/* nntp://nntpserverN/*"
(3) by a ".dgp" file MOUNT="/news/* file:/dirPath/*"
[the contents of file:/dirPath/servN/welcome.dgp]
MOUNT="/* nntp://nntpserverN/*"
(This mechanism should be applied to other protocols like FTP...)