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Name-based Reverse Proxy by DeleGate

Yutaka Sato
July 18, 2008

(preliminary memo.)
DeleGate 9.8.2 supported name-based virtual hosting as a reverse proxy by newly introduced options for the MOUNT parameter. The nvserv option is for forwarding to name based virtual hosting servers and the nvhost option is for acting as a name-based virtual hosting server.
In the following examples, the target server in each MOUNT parameter is referred with its IP-address. It can be referred with its name if it is resolvable appropriately to its address, or if rserv option is given to specify the real server name or address.

URL-path-based reverse proxy to address-based servers

Address-based virtual hosting to address based servers (ex. vhost=host)

URL-path-based reverse proxy to name-based virtual servers (new)

Address-based virtual hosting to name-based virtual servers (new)

Name-based virtual hosting to address based servers (ex. vhost=-host)

Name-based virtual hosting to name based virtual servers (new)

Name-based virtual hosting to name based virtual servers (through) (new)

Address or name based transparent proxy (by HTTP Host: header)

NAT based transparent proxy by MOUNT or SERVER (new)

A single DeleGate server as a virtual hosting server or a reverse proxy can have a set of mixture of name and address-based MOUNT parameters if the mapping by the set is unique or pri=priority option is specified to make the mapping unique.

Yutaka Sato @ DeleGate.ORG